moment of insecurity

2 min readDec 31, 2020

Republish from FB notes — 24 December 2008

I glance up from my meal

Hun, see what I see

Legs for miles

Hair in glistening piles

and hips so small i must get her to reveal

just how it is she keeps it real

Shirt that drapes just right

Pants fit without a fight

Heels oh so sweet

and not to mention that casually flung bag

that swings gently to her beat

Now as i look down i see

just what it is that disturbs me so

i pile on any that fit

and then run on the go

Next there is that sweet and sassy fragrance

gushing nothing less than extravagance

while the morning fumes of monoxide

still clings to my daily hide

Humphh, i harrumphed

i guess i’m a tad scared

a bit miffed

a lot insecure

must trudge back in my brain

dig up something pure

it is the only cure for such a trivial but torturous malady i’m sure.

-written after an unsetlling encounter with one of the beautiful ones during lunch hour-

