The Wizard of Oz: Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable.

2 min readDec 31, 2020


republish FB note — 9 July 2011

A heart unbreakable

quite practical indeed

A heart unbreakable

won’t worry about a thing

A heart unbreakable

is not concerned about falling

(it will drop like a brick and remain intact upon impact)

A heart unbreakable

will move at snails pace, even in the presence of immesurable beauty

(it has to be made out of very strong material, thus it is heavy)

A heart unbreakable

can’t really be touched

(it has to be quite thick to withstand any disturbance)

A heart unbreakable

is quite a lonely thing

(no friendly voice will reach it through its sound proofed walls)

A heart unbreakable

might not be able to absorb any affection

(it has to be quite dense to be that strong)

A heart unbreakable

is practical indeed, I agree

but I am convinced that this kind of heart is not a heart at all.

